
Waste paper or paper for recycling price indicators, UK domestic mill.

2014 UK domestic mill £ per tonne ex worksJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Mixed papers45 - 6545 - 6145 - 5738 - 5743 - 5642 - 5335 - 5234 - 5235 - 5533 - 5536 - 5333 - 53
Old KLS (cardboard)63 - 7860 - 7660 - 7260 - 7262 - 7060 - 6862 - 7062 - 7062 - 7260 - 7258 - 7057 - 69
News and pams90 - 9388 - 9383 - 8883 - 9083 - 9085 - 9080 - 9082 - 9082 - 9080 - 9075 - 8569 - 80
Over-issue news90 - 10090 - 9890 - 9494 - 9895 - 10295 - 10090 - 9590 - 9590 - 9585 - 9083 - 8877 - 85
Sorted office waste107 - 114114 - 118116 - 120117 - 122117 - 122117 - 124120 - 125122 - 127123 - 127124 - 128124 - 128130 - 136
Coloured best pams106 - 112112 - 116113 - 116115 - 118116 - 118116 - 120118 - 122120 - 124122 - 125123 - 126124 - 126127 - 131
Multigrade110 - 115113 - 117115 - 118117 - 121118 - 122118 - 124119 - 124121 - 126122 - 126123 - 128124 - 129125 - 129
Light letter125 - 130127 - 130128 - 133130 - 135133 - 138133 - 138135 - 140135 - 140135 - 140135 - 140135 - 140135 - 140
White letter150 - 160155 - 160155 - 160155 - 165158 - 165160 - 167165 - 175165 - 175165 - 175165 - 175165 - 175165 - 175
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