2021: £ per tonneJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Textile banks50 - 12560 - 13050 - 12050 - 11050 - 11050 - 11060 - 12070 - 15060 - 14050 - 13050 - 13050 - 130
Shop collectionsN - A150 - 300200 - 300200 - 300200 - 300210 - 310220 - 310220 - 330220 - 330210 - 320220 - 320220 - 320
Sorting plant (clothing, textiles and rags)N - A360 - 420370 - 420370 - 430360 - 420360 - 420360 - 420390 - 450390 - 450390 - 450390 - 450390 - 450
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