2014 £ per tonneJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
0A plate & girder195 - 205160 - 170170 - 180 170 - 180 160 - 170155 - 165150 - 160155 - 165160 - 165155 - 160150 - 155150 - 155
No 1 old steel scrap185 - 195 145 - 150155 - 160155 - 160145 - 155145 - 150140 - 145145 - 150150 - 155140 - 145135 - 140130 - 135
No 2 old steel scrap175 - 185140 - 145 150 - 160150 - 160145 - 155140 - 150135 - 140140 - 145145 - 150140 - 145140 - 145140 - 145
4A low residual bales190 - 195150 - 160155 - 165155 - 165155 - 165155 - 165150 - 155155 - 160160 - 165150 - 155150 - 155145 - 150
4C new production bales190 - 200170 - 175175 - 180175 - 180175 - 180165 - 170160 - 165165 - 170170 - 175160 - 170150 - 155150 - 155
light iron130 - 140 80 - 95 92 - 10290 - 10590 - 11085 - 10585 - 10590 - 11095 - 11090 - 10085 - 9080 - 90
7B mixed steel turnings160 - 165120 - 125135 - 140 135 - 140 125 - 130 120 - 125120 - 125125 - 130125 - 130120 - 125105 - 115105 - 115
8B mixed steel cuttings170 - 180145 - 155 150 - 155 150 - 155 145 - 155140 - 150140 - 145145 - 150150 - 155140 - 145140 - 145140 - 145
9 - 10 cast 170 - 180130 - 150 140 - 150 140 - 150 130 - 140 125 - 130125 - 130135 - 140140 - 150135 - 140130 - 135130 - 135
11 cast iron borings140 - 145115 - 125120 - 127120 - 127120 - 130120 - 125115 - 120120 - 125125 - 130115 - 125115 - 120115 - 120
Cars130 - 140 95 - 100 100 - 10595 - 105 95 - 110 90 - 10590 - 105100 - 110105 - 11095 - 10580 - 9580 - 95
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