
Drycake Twister Gears Up for the ESS – Environmental Services & Solutions Expo 2024: Revolutionizing Organic Waste Processing with Advanced Food Waste Separation Technology

The Drycake Twister™ team is thrilled to announce our participation in the upcoming RWM Resource &Waste Management Show, taking place from 11th to 12th September 2024 at the NEC Birmingham, UK. This premier event brings together industry leaders, innovators, and sustainability champions focused on tackling critical challenges in the energy sector.

The ESS Expo is renowned as the leading UK platform for exploring advancements in energy from waste (EfW), decarbonisation strategies, alternative fuels, bioenergy solutions, and sustainable energy management. Over two action-packed days, attendees will engage in thought-provoking discussions, forge strategic partnerships, and gain invaluable insights from industry experts.

Revolutionizing Organic Waste Processing with the Drycake Twister Depackager and Separator

At Drycake Twister, we’re dedicated to developing solutions that empower a more sustainable future. Our innovative Drycake Twister Depackager and Separator addresses a significant challenge in the waste management sector: the efficient separation of organic materials from packaging.

This year, we’re eager to showcase the Drycake Twister’s depackaging and separation equipment at the ESS Expo and connect with a forward-thinking audience committed to maximizing resource recovery and minimizing the environmental impact of organic waste, especially food waste.

Why Visit the Drycake Twister Booth EN-F61 at ESS Expo 2024?

  • Explore Pioneering Source Separated Separation Technology: Discover the Drycake Twister’s unique “Twister Effect” technology, designed for the efficient separation of organic waste streams containing diverse packaging materials. Learn how this innovative approach minimizes reliance on shredding components, massively reducing microplastic creation in the “reject” output stream when compared with competitor products.
  • Unveiling the Benefits: Our team will be on hand to demonstrate the numerous advantages of the Drycake Twister. See how it can:
    • Boost Organic Waste Diversion: Efficiently separate organic materials from packaging, diverting them from landfills and promoting valuable resource recovery as recyclable plastic and metals with real value.
    • Enhanced Resource Recovery Rates: Recover cleaner organic fractions for composting or anaerobic digestion without added washing, while facilitating the recycling of separated packaging materials using smart recycling for individual high value polymer selection via automated optical ballistic sorters for processing into premium value recycled plastic resin (PET, HDPE etc).
    • Optimize Processing Efficiency: Twister’s ability to handle a wide range of organic waste with packaging can eliminate the need for separate preprocessing steps, streamlining your operations.
  • Network with Industry Experts: Engage in discussions with our knowledgeable representatives and gain insights into how the Drycake Twister can be integrated into your existing waste processing infrastructure.
  • Witness the Future of Organic Waste Management: Experience firsthand how the Drycake Twister contributes to a more circular economy by facilitating the recovery and reuse of valuable resources from organic waste streams. Not least, our experts will reveal the previously unattainable economic benefits when waste disposal costs for the “reject” output stream translate into income from recyclates.

Join Us at the ESS Expo – Resource and Waste Management Show and Chart a Course for More Sustainable Waste Management

The ESS Expo 2024 promises to be a pivotal event for shaping the future of energy and sustainability. We at Drycake Twister are excited to be a part of these crucial conversations and showcase to local authorities soon to collect source segregated household waste, to hospitality industry catering industry managers, to composting plant operators, how our innovative technology can empower organizations to achieve their waste diversion and resource recovery goals.

Don’t miss this opportunity to:

  • Learn about the latest advancements in organic waste separation technology.
  • Explore how the Drycake Twister can transform your organic waste processing operations.
  • Network with key industry players and thought leaders.
  • Discover new partnerships and opportunities to drive organic waste sustainability initiatives.

Register for the ESS Expo 2024 today and mark your calendars to visit the Drycake Twister booth. Together, let’s revolutionize organic waste processing and build a more sustainable future!

Building on the Success of ESS Expo 2023

We at Drycake Twister are confident that the ESS Expo 2024 will be a valuable platform to showcase Drycake Twister’s capabilities to a discerning audience. We look forward to engaging with attendees, industry leaders, and potential partners who share our commitment to a more sustainable future.

Join us at the ESS Expo 2024 and experience the Drycake Twister difference!

Equipment | Drycake

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