It is hoped that the exhibition, titled 1001 TV Sets, will help raise awareness of the need to recycle waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).
Televisions have been collected by WEEE producer compliance scheme DHL Envirosolutions with support from the North London Waste Authority (NLWA) and Leicestershire county council and sorted and tested by WEEE reprocessor SWEEEP. Leicestershire has recently gone through the digital switchover and has seen an increase in the number of cathode ray tubes that are being collected.
The exhibition, which fills a huge space underneath the University of Westminster, is due to open on Friday (March 16). It will see each of the sets tuned to an analogue station playing randomly. As the broadcast signal is phased out between April 4 and 18 the televisions will broadcast only static as the last of the signals is switched off.
Once the exhibition is completed the TVs will be reprocessed at SWEEEPs approved authorised treatment facility (AATF) in Kent, where almost all of the material will be recovered.
The curator of the exhibition, Michael Mazire, said: We knew from the beginning that we were going to face a tough challenge and I stress we could not have done this without the help of Envirosolutions, their expertise and knowledge in the recycling industry.
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DHL Envirosolutions has also set up a 123 Recycle scheme which offers businesses and organisations a free collection service for unwanted electrical items including white goods, small WEEE and IT equipment. The service has now been rolled out across ten London Boroughs.
Mr Hall is well known for his work in the field of video art, and curated the Video Show at Londons Serpentine Gallery in 1975, the first major show of video art in the UK, he is also known for TV Interruptions which appeared on Scottish television. The 1001 TV Sets piece is a reworking of his art on his 1975 installation 101 TV Sets.
1001 TV Sets is being held at Ambika P3 exhibition space, at the University of Westminster, from March 16 until April 22.
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