
Waste sector responds positively to Industrial Strategy

The waste and recycling sector has responded positively to the Government’s Industrial Strategy published earlier today (27 November).

The strategy includes not only a commitment to move towards a circular strategy but also the pledge to raise “the resource productivity of businesses, including through the promotion of recycling and strong secondary materials markets where products are designed with efficiency and recyclability in mind.” (see letsrecycle.com story)

Sector welcomes circular element of the Government’s Industrial Strategy


In response, the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) welcomed the strategy.

Chief executive, Dr Colin Church said: “CIWM was looking for the Industrial Strategy White Paper to recognise the role improving resource productivity can play in helping the UK economy meet the challenges it faces.”

Dr Church said the ambition to double resource productivity by 2050, along with the existing commitment to zero avoidable waste by the same time, are “clear signs” the Government is starting to hear this message.

However, he added: “In common with many others we would have liked to see more detail, but it is reassuring to see the commitment to cover this in more depth in the forthcoming 25-year environment plan and the resource and waste management strategy reinforced.

“These are shaping up to be absolutely key documents for our sector and the wider environment and we look forward to seeing how Government intends to make a reality of its desire to ‘strengthen the markets for secondary raw materials’.”


ESA’s executive director, Jacob Hayler has also responded warmly to the publication and said the ESA is “pleased” that the Strategy recognises the importance of maximising the value of resources.

He added: “The forthcoming resources and waste strategy must set out a clear long-term plan for how this can be achieved, and must put in place the right policy levers to ensure we have the right infrastructure to deliver greater resource productivity for the benefit of the UK economy and environment.”

Resource Association

Chief executive of the Resource Association, Ray Georgeson said it was encouraging to see Government promoting the circular economy and greater resource productivity as important features of the Industrial Strategy.

He said: “Having marked out the production of a new Resources and Waste Strategy, the development of the Clean Growth Plan and the Defra 25 Year Environment Plan as key elements of future policy with much work to be done to successfully shape them, the challenge now is for Government to harness the hunger and commitment of our industry to shape this new policy landscape.

“We stand ready to play our part in securing a future resources policy that places the circular economy centre stage”

Ray Georgeson
Resource Association

“We stand ready to play our part in securing a future resources policy that places the circular economy centre stage, prizes quality recycling and delivers the sustainable manufacturing growth utilising recovered materials that we need if we are achieve greater resource productivity ambitions.”


In response to the White Paper, David Palmer-Jones, chief executive of Suez recycling and recovery UK, said:  “The government’s commitment to move towards a regenerative circular economy is the right step towards making a more productive Britain.”

However, Mr Palmer-Jones pointed to the next steps which are needed for the industry.

“We now need to work with BEIS to promote well-functioning markets for secondary raw materials, the key foundation for the UK’s ability to create a low-carbon, resource efficient economy,” he said. “More investment in domestic recycling and materials recovery infrastructure is still needed to accelerate the regeneration of our natural capital.”

“Our industry will partner with a range of businesses to help them increase their recycling and to aid their greater use of quality secondary raw materials all the way along the supply chain. It is essential we work alongside manufacturers to help them innovate. “

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