ACP members represent various parts of the packaging chain, including businesses which have legal obligations under the producer responsibility obligations, as well as others in the management of packaging waste.
This includes local authorities, compliance schemes, waste management companies, reprocessors and exporters.
The committee looks to bring together industry expertise with a specific interest in packaging and advises and makes recommendations to Defra to assist with policy development on packaging reuse, recovery and recycling.
Commenting on his appointment, Mr Doherty said: “I’m honoured to join the Advisory Committee on Packaging and thank Deep for making me welcome. Finding out about developments across the UK has been enlightening and we’ve seen the same advances replicated in our business in Newry. I’m looking forward to providing advice and information to the Committee.”
Joseph’s appointment runs until 31 December 2023.
The appointment comes at a critical time for the packaging sector, as it continues to help shape government thinking over extended producer responsibility.
The ACP is chaired by Deep Sagar, who took over from Phil Conran in October 2020.
Mr Sagar said: “I was happy Joseph accepted this appointment. Joseph has long and deep experience that will help us, especially to do with waste collection and recycling. He will bring insights around Northern Ireland to round off the committee’s expertise.
“Our job is to combine views from packaging, waste and recycling industries with those of local authorities so that policies of all four UK administrations are appropriate. Joseph’s hands-on knowledge will be very valuable.”
Recently, Mr Doherty criticised plans for an energy from waste plant in Northern Ireland, saying it will “stifle the chances of making meaningful reductions to carbon emissions”.
Re-Gen’s managing director stated that such large scale facilities curb adaptability for future innovations designed to increase recycling.
The £240 million plant is being proposed by waste management company Indaver and arc21, the umbrella waste management group for six local authorities in the east of Northern Ireland.
Mr Doherty said: “Waste To Energy plants may be necessary for the very last of unrecyclable waste, but Northern Ireland has access to an abundance of such facilities in the UK and Europe at competitive cost.
“Our approach to treating household waste is constantly evolving to take advantage of new best practices and is by far the most environmentally friendly for Northern Ireland, both now and in the future”.
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