
European Environment Committee backs Corbey proposals on packaging waste

Proposals set out by Dutch MEP Dorette Corbey to tighten packaging waste recycling targets to 65% by December 2008 have been accepted by the European Union Environment Committee.

Ms Corbey's report now has to be passed by the European Parliament, which is expected to be carried out in September.

MEPs on the environment committee adopted the proposals to raise the minimum recycling target for packaging from the European Commission's suggested 55% (by weight) up to 65% by a vote of 25 to 22. The proposals also included dispensing with any maximum targets and put back the date for meeting these targets from 30 June 2006 to 31 December 2008.

Commenting on the proposals, a spokesperson for compliance scheme Valpak said: “We do welcome the move away from maximum targets, but a 65% minimum target is extremely challenging. Having said that, Valpak has always met the targets required on behalf of its clients. It'll be a lot of hard work, but if we all work together there's no reason why we can't achieve it.”

The Commission's overall recovery target and its individual recycling targets for the materials contained in packaging waste were left intact, but companies will have to cut down on the generation of packaging waste by 10 per cent from 1998 levels.

Packaging design

After 1 January 2004, EU member states must also ensure that new packaging is only placed on the market if producers have taken “all necessary measures to minimise its environmental impact” whilst not compromising its “essential functions”.

The report also wants firms to be encouraged to use recycled materials in packaging and pushes for the eco-friendly design of packaging.

The meeting of the committee, chaired by British MEP Caroline Jackson, also settled the question of whether or not gift wrapping paper should count as packaging, deciding that it does not, while also ruling that flower pots should not count as packaging unless added to products immediately prior to sale.

Ms Corbey's full report is available from the European Parliament website.

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