This will mean that all the product moved from its Elton site to its sister plant in Bristol is fuelled by HVO. This is the result of a trial last year, in which Encirc used HVO instead of fossil fuels across its fleet, and the company hopes the partnership will lead to “significant carbon and cost savings”.
Fiacre O’Donnell, sustainability director at Encirc, commented: “We are excited to announce that, as of Monday 17 June, we have successfully transitioned to moving our product with Sparks Transport from Elton to Bristol solely on Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil.
“The collaboration with Sparks Transport is a potential game-changer. Their expertise and partnership have enabled us to make this change seamlessly, ensuring that we continue to deliver our products efficiently while maintaining our environmental responsibilities.”
‘Critical step’
Fiacre added: “This move is a critical step towards fulfilling our ZE30 mission statement, reinforcing our dedication to sustainability, decarbonisation, innovation, and excellence in all our operations. By embracing HVO, we are not only investing in a cleaner future but also realising cost savings that benefit both our company and our customers.
“We are proud to take this important step and look forward to sharing more updates on our sustainability journey.”
Gemma Martin, logistics reporting and sustainability manager, commented: “By transitioning to Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) for our transportation needs, we are actively addressing Scope 3 emissions, which are crucial for achieving our sustainability targets of Net Zero. Creating partnerships with our hauliers, who are on the same journey of decarbonisation, is essential. This partnership not only demonstrates our dedication to environmental responsibility but also sets a benchmark for the industry. Together, we are making substantial progress towards a greener future.”
Encirc anticipates in the next 12 months that this transition to HVO with Sparks Transport has the potential to save 462.71 tonnes of carbon per tonne of fuel.
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