Its “An Agenda for Change” was presented to government ministers at a parliamentary dinner and calls on government to consider the following:
- Unfettered free and fair trade by not imposing export restrictions on metal; the UK metals recycling industry can more than support the UK steel industry with scrap metal.
- Additional treatment facilities for hazardous and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) waste whilst encouraging eco-design to design out harmful substances.
- For metals recycling to benefit from the British Industry Supercharger (lower energy rates) and facilitate technological innovation between metal recyclers and steelmakers.
- Kerbside collection for batteries and small WEEE with the aim to reduce fires caused by lithium-ion batteries entering recycling and waste sites.
- Setting minimum recycled content requirements for new public sector infrastructure projects.
- A variable-rate deposit return scheme to encourage the use of 100% recyclable metal over plastic.
James Kelly, CEO of the BMRA, further explained: “Given recycling’s prominence in achieving net zero goals, and metals’ 100% recyclability, the government needs a strong metals recycling industry. It will benefit the country to move forward and reach its 2050 targets.
“I am looking forward to laying out BMRA’s lobbying priorities for the UK metals recycling industry, focusing on key asks that enable our industry to operate in the most cost efficient and sustainable way.
“Metals recycling’s evidential impact on sustainability and climate is clear, it lowers CO₂ and helps preserve natural habitats by reducing the need for primary extraction and raw materials. BMRA’s calls on the Government are simple and clear, strongly consider the UK metals recycling industry’s impact to your own ambitions.”
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