
Bakers Basco warns illegal sale of equipment hinders recycling efforts

Bakers Bascohas warned that the rise of online marketplaces has provided a platform for individuals to illegally sell grocery delivery equipment such as plastic bread trays.  

The industry is concerned that this increase is threatening the UK’s grocery industry and undermining plastic recycling efforts.  

The illicit sale of these baskets costs the baking industry considerably each year and disrupts the supply chain – affecting bakeries, retailers and consumers alike. 

Over the past year, Bakers Basco identified 89 adverts across various online platforms, including Facebook Marketplace, eBay, and auction sites. These adverts accounted for the attempted sale of a total of 2,864 baskets and 386 dollies. 

When contacted, a few sellers agreed to remove the equipment from Facebook and allowed Bakers Basco to collect the items. Unfortunately, most sellers ignored messages or claimed that the equipment did not belong to the company, despite the items being emblazoned with Bakers Basco’s logo. 

In one notable case, Bakers Basco contacted a seller who refused to provide collection details or delist the item. The seller had their personal account linked to the advert, revealing their place of employment. Bakers Basco officers visited the location and issued a charge as the seller was found to be misusing the equipment. This intervention led to the recovery of 228 Omega dollies. 

Responding to illegal sale of equipment 

Bakers Basco has appointed a dedicated team to track and combat these illegal online sales. 

Paul Empson, general manager of Bakers Basco, said: “The misuse and illicit sale of our plastic bread baskets is a serious problem for the UK’s bakery industry.  

“These baskets are crucial for maintaining hygiene standards and ensuring the safe transportation of baked goods.  

“Social media platforms, including Facebook Marketplace, must take this issue seriously and implement measures to prevent the illegal sale of such equipment. The impact on the supply chain, food safety, and the environment is too significant to ignore.” 

Stacey Brown, national investigations manager at Bakers Basco, added: “These baskets are designed specifically for our members to ensure safe storage and transportation of baked goods.  

“Selling them for general-purpose use poses contamination risks, compromises food safety, and contributes to the plastic waste problem. This is not a victimless crime; it has real consequences for our industry and the environment.” 

Bakers Basco said that it is intensifying its efforts to monitor all social media sites and will take legal action against anyone found selling their equipment online. 

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