The regulator launched consulted on MVV’s application in May 2023 (see story). It said today (11 January) it is now “minded to accept” the bid and wants final views on this.
In the application, MVV explained that the facility will have a maximum operating capacity of 625,600 tonnes per annum and will contain two thermal treatment lines.
Each line will incorporate an advanced moving grate furnace, high pressure steam boiler, air pollution control plant, continuous emissions monitoring system and a discharging chimney. The two chimneys on the proposed site will have a height of 84 metres.
Waste sourced from “household, industrial and commercial” sources will be delivered from pre-approved suppliers in enclosed or covered waste collection vehicles.
The decision document also explains that the applicant is assessing the feasibility of also supplying energy in the form of steam to nearby food production and packaging manufacturing facilities.
In the decision document, the Agency said it is “minded to grant the permit to the applicant”, which will “allow it to operate the installation, subject to the conditions in the permit”.
The Agency added: “We consider that, in reaching that decision, we have taken into account all relevant considerations and legal requirements and that the permit will ensure that a high level of protection is provided for the environment and human health.”
A spokesman for MVV said: “MVV is pleased to see the draft of the environmental permit for its Medworth project has been published, and looks forward to a positive outcome.”
The proposed installation is to be located at Medworth EfW CHP Facility, Algores Way, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire.
This sites within a wider industrial estate centred on Algores Way. Part of the site is currently occupied by Mick George Ltd, who “will cease operations before Medworth EfW CHP Facility commences”.
MVV launched its own consultation on the proposals in 2021 (see story).
As part of the early stages of the pre-planning process for the proposal, MVV Environment undertook an initial period of non-statutory consultation in 2020. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and associated restrictions, the planned statutory consultation period has been delayed until now.
MVV said in 2021 that around £300 million of funding has already been secured for the facility, which will have a 40-year life span. MVV will also go to the Planning Inspectorate for approval.
It is anticipated that construction will take around three years, during this time employing up to 700 people.
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