
Resources & Waste Strategy Revisited Conference

Date 12 May 2021
Location Online

Contact Aimee Mowat

Phone 02076334500

The event will cover responses on: plans for a Deposit Return Scheme; and reforms to the packaging waste system through a new system of ‘extended producer responsibility’. And, with a separate consultation on Consistency in local authority collections expected shortly, this will also be discussed. With two consultations closing in early June and the one for Consistency expected to be open for longer, this event will allow you to hear the latest from all those involved and help you shape your thoughts before submitting responses.

With a conference that aims to bring the industry together, there will be plenty of opportunity to network at virtual tables and discuss topics with colleagues from inside and outside your own area of expertise. The event is expected to be of interests to local authorities, reprocessors, retailers, the waste management sector, packaging companies, manufacturers and all those involved in the circular economy.

Standard fee: £125 + VAT

Local authority: £99+ VAT

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