2019: £ per tonneJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Textile banks200 - 270190 - 260180 - 250180 - 250170 - 240 160 - 230140 - 210130 - 200120 - 190120 - 190110 - 180100 - 170
Shop collections340 - 430340 - 440340 - 420340 - 420330 - 430330 - 430320 - 430320 - 420310 - 410310 - 410310 - 400310 - 400
Sorting plant (clothing, textiles and rags)500 - 570500 - 560500 - 550500 - 550500 - 550500 - 550490 - 540480 - 530470 - 520470 - 520460 - 510460 - 510
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