2018: £ per tonneJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Textile banks220 - 300230 - 300230 - 300 230 - 300220 - 300 220 - 300220 - 310220 - 300200 - 280200 - 270200 - 260200 - 270
Shop collections330 - 460340 - 460350 - 450350 - 460330 - 460330 - 460350 - 460350 - 450340 - 430340 - 430330 - 420330 - 430
Sorting plant (clothing, textiles and rags)485 - 560485 - 560 490 - 560490 - 560490 - 560 490 - 560510 - 590510 - 590500 - 580500 - 580490 - 570500 - 570
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