2016 £ per tonnJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
Glass (remelt)9 - 139 - 139 - 1311 - 1311 - 1412 - 1413 - 1411 - 1311 - 12.5011 - 1311 - 1311 - 13
Glass (aggregate)9 - 139 - 139 - 1311 - 1310 - 1411 - 1311 - 1312.50 - 1311 - 12.5011 - 12.5011 - 12.5011 - 12,50
Paper1 - 21 - 21 - 21 - 1.500.90 - 1.100.90 - 10.80 - 10.80 - 1.100.80 - 10.75 - 10.75 - 10.50 - 1.50
Aluminium30 - 5025 - 3825 - 3525 - 2823 - 2623 - 2615 - 2112 - 1510 - 1210 - 1210 - 128 - 12
Steel25 - 3023 - 2823 - 2823 - 2621 - 2621 - 2615 - 209 - 116 - 95 - 85 - 81 - 5
Plastics42 - 5540 - 4738 - 4535 - 4034 - 3737 - 4032 - 3825 - 3015 - 2015 - 2016 - 1915 - 18
Recovery1 - 2.500.80 - 1.500.80 - 1.500.80 - 1.250.80 - 10.75 - 0.800.75 - 0.800.70 - 0.800.60 - 0.800.50 - 0.700.50 - 0.700.40 - 1
Wood2 - 101.70 - 31.50 - 31.50 - 31.50 - 31.50 - 31.50 - 31.50 - 31.50 - 31.50 - 2.501.50 - 2.501.50 - 2.40
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